Wholesale store Store

According to the rating of NV and MPP Consulting, Chumak has ranked 16th among the most expensive Ukrainian brands of the country, increasing its value by 50%.
In 2018 Chumak Company renovated corporate website and started cooperation with the largest online supermarket in the country – Rozetka.
Chumak has been certified according to the International Standards for Organic Production and received the ORGANIC certificate. Chumak has successful re-passed BRC audit with A and AA grades and, for the first time, has passed FSMA AND 21CFR120 audits.
The new Private Label products were launched for leading multinational companies such as ATB, Metro, WOG, COOP, McDonalds Belarus.
Kakhovka has successfully launched new production lines: PET filling and DIP PAK - one size package - filling.